
Senin, 18 Mei 2015

The Misadventures of the Laundry Hag: Swept Under the Rug (Volume 2)

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The Misadventures of the Laundry Hag: Swept Under the Rug Crime and grime are everywhere, at least in Maggie Phillips' opinion. Deep in the throes of a New England winter, Maggie's still adjusting to her new role as confidential informant for the Hudson Police Department. When a suspicious fax is sent to one of her new clients, Maggie is sure she's unearthed a conspiracy. With no crime to investigate, however, the Hudson P.D. can do nothing-that is until a wealthy trophy wife disappears and the FBI is called in to the hunt. On the home front, her twelve-year-old son is growing up way too fast, while her brother is back with a few surprises destined to wreak havoc on the household. To frost the whole crappy cake, her best friend's marriage is falling apart, which leaves Maggie worrying over her own. All of the family drama is put into perspective, however, when Maggie is arrested for kidnapping and blackmail. Between economic woes and a now tarnished reputation, Maggie is in way over her head. Yet out of the ashes of frustration and failure, something great might emerge. If she survives the birthing process that is....


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